The Legion of Honor, formally known as the California Palace of the Legion of Honor. Located in Lincoln Park in San Francisco. Many of the Abstract Expressionists associated with the California School of Fine Arts in the late 1940s and early 1950s - including Bischoff, Diebenkorn, and Smith would have their first solo museum exhibitions at the Legion of Honor. [1]

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George Abend
Arlo Acton
Tom Akawie
Robert Alexander
Boyd Allen
John Altoon

Jeremy Anderson
John Anderson

Ruth Armer
Robert Arneson
Richard Ayer

Richard Baer
George Ball
Jerrold Ballaine
Katherine Barieau
Joel Barletta
Emarie Bartelme
John Baxter
Paul Beattie
Robert Bechtle
Wallace Berman
Bernice Bing
Adelie Landis Bischoff
Elmer Bischoff
Dorr Bothwell
Michael Bowen
Harry Bowden
Geoffrey Bowman
Ernest Briggs
Richard Brodney
William Henry Brown
William Theophilus Brown
Joan Brown

Lawrence Calcagno
Marie Johnson Calloway
Relf Case
Luis Cervantes
John Chamberlain
Bruce Connor
Jess Collins
Edward Corbett
Hubert Crehan

Harold Davies
Jerrold Davis
Ronald Davis
Jay DeFeo
Roy De Forest
Tony DeLap
Richard Diebenkorn
Madeline Dimond
James Budd Dixon
Robert Downs
William Dubin
Ralph Du Casse
Edward Dugmore

James Eakle
Leonard Edmondson

Claire Falkenstein
Richard Faralla
Lilly Fenichel
Joseph Fiore
Dean Fleming
Peter Forakis
Gordon Onslow Ford

William Gaw
Sonia Gechtoff
Nancy Genn
Sidney Geist
John Emmett Gerrity
Charles Gill
Joe Goode
Muriel Francis Goodwin
Sidney Gordin
Jorge Goya
Dimitri Grachis
James Grant
John Grillo

Leah Rinne Hamilton
Mel Hanson
Daniel Harris
George Albert Harris
Wally Hedrick
George Herms
Hilaire Hiler
Fredric Hobbs
Miriam Hoffman
Charles Howard
Robert Boardman Howard
Robert Hudson
John Hultberg


Tom Ide

Jack Jefferson
Rodger Jacobsen
Ralph Johnson

Robert Kaess
Norman Kanter
Karl Kasten
Craig Kauffman
James Kelly
Adeline Kent
Leslie Kerr
Hayward King
Walter Kuhlman

Adelie Landis
Harvey Leepa
Jose Ramon Lerma
Alvin Light
Frank Lobdell
Seymour Locks
Zoe Longfield
Erle Loran
Peter Lowe
Alan Lynch

Peter Macchiarini
Claire Mahl
Fred Martin
Mary Fuller McChesney
Robert McChesney
James McCray
Bruce McGaw
Knud Merrild
Keith Metzler
Arthur Monroe
William Morehouse
Ann Morency
Robert Morris
Ed Moses
Lee Mullican

Emiko Nakano
Richard Nelson
Alexander Nepote
Manuel Neri


Jerry O’Day
Arthur Okamura

Wolfgang Paalen
David Park
Lucille Marie Bichler Paris
Irene Pattinson
Bart Perry
Roland Petersen
Margaret Peterson
Clayton Pinkerton
Philip Pinner

Sonya Rapoport
Fritz Rauh
Fredrick Reichman
Ad Reinhardt
Deborah Remington
Frann Spencer Reynolds
Joyce Rezendes
Philip Roeber
Joseph Romano
Mark Rothko
Felix Ruvolo
Worth Ryder

John Saccaro
Charles Safford
Juan Sandoval
Keith Sanzenbach
William Saroyan
Joan Savo
John Schueler
Peter Shoemaker
Louis Siegriest
Lundy Siegriest
David Simpson
Nell Sinton
Hassel Smith
Joel Smith
Walter Snelgrove
William Snyder
Clay Spohn
Juliette Steele
Clyfford Still
George Stillman
Charles Strong
Knute Stiles
Edna Stoddart


Sam Tchakalian
Horst Trave

Leo Valledor
Carlos Villa
Henry Villierme
Lenore Vogt
Peter Voulkos

Ruth Wall
Howard Warshaw
Julius Wasserstein
James Weeks
Mel Weitsman
Glenn Wessels
William Wiley
Hamilton Wolf
Paul Wonner